Our beliefs and distinctives
We are part of the Evangelical Free Church of America, which is a coalition of independent churches. We affirm the doctrinal statement of the EFCA.
We also affirm the London Baptist Confession of 1689.
Beyond this, we would describe ourselves as historic, Protestant, and Reformed in our beliefs.
We understand ourselves to be part of the larger stream of historic Christianity, and affirm with the greater Christian church the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. We believe that to be a Christian, one must accept the realities confessed in these ancient creeds.
Beyond seeing ourselves as part of the greater Christian church, we are Protestant in our convictions. This means we affirm the ‘five solas’ of the Reformation, and believe that the Reformation was an important corrective to abuses that had arisen within the church.
In addition to being historic and Protestant, we are convictionally Reformed in our understanding of God’s role in human salvation.