VBS Update

Hello Families! 

We've landed on two ( yes, TWO!) VBS options for you this Summer. One is a "Virtual VBS" during June. Then, in July, we will have small group VBS's hosted by NWBC families in their homes or community areas. Join us for one or both if you like! Read on below for more information.

Faith Lab @ Home "Virtual" VBS
Join us online through the month of June for FaithLab@Home! You will receive full access to 5 sessions to do with your children anytime that works for your family. The gospel centered video devotions are easy to use with your kids and include music, games and awesome science object lessons as well as family science projects. We test drove it and had a blast!

To help the kids feel part of the larger church community, we will be highlighting one session each week and leading weekly contests (with prizes!) via a private Flipgrid group. Registration is FREE and open to you, your friends and family. It could even be a fun way to attend "VBS" with cousins and friends across the country. Everything is accessible online! For more information and/or to register CLICK HERE  

"One Way" VBS
Three days of Bible Lessons, Games, Missionary Stories and Music packed into 90min of fun each day! This is an awesome way for children to begin to connect back in to social worship. Plan to attend or host one with the people you do life with or follow up with neighbors you have met by inviting their children to attend. 

We are looking for families who would like to host a group in their house or backyard or community area during July. Material will be taught by adults and student volunteers. Trainings for volunteers will be held on July 1st and 2nd. Snacks and decorations provided too! CLICK HERE to find out the ways you can participate. Registration for kids will open once we have locations and volunteers secured. Stay tuned!

Feel free to email me with any questions and please join me in prayer over the programs and the impact that they will have on our children and families. Thank you! 

in Christ,