Elementary Ages 6 - 8 Lesson for 3/7/21

We are delighted that you are joining us from home for this week’s lesson! Here is an overview of what to expect and a link to all the resources you will need to share this lesson with your children and family at home.

Lesson Focus

Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy grain. Joseph recognized his brothers and tested them to see if they were changed before he revealed who he was. The brothers bowed before Joseph just as he dreamed they would. Joseph forgave them because he realized that God had sent him to Egypt to save his family from the famine.

Key Passage

Genesis 42:6–8, 42:17–20, 43:33–34, 44:1–4, 50:19–20


Students will be able to:

  • Explain why Joseph was able to forgive his brothers.

  • Describe how God provided for the family of Jacob to survive during the famine.

Memory Verse

Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Resource Link