Sunday, March 29 Worship Service

Here’s everything you need to continue worshipping with your Northwest Bible Church family on Sunday, March 29, even as we all stay at home. We would encourage you to take some time now to think through what your Sunday morning will look like. We really hope that these resources can help our community to continue to worship together.


This week's message from Mark 16 deals with some very technical issues regarding the science of textual criticism.  Because of this, parents may want to use discretion on what they think their kids are able to process.  Don't worry, there's nothing inappropriate, just a little heady. (Scroll down for some resources for your family.) The video will be available by Sunday morning and can be viewed below.


Spend some time listening and singing along to some of the songs we sing on Sunday mornings through this Sunday morning worship playlist. Pastor Bryan has also prepared a special playlist called "Worship Through My Worry" that is meant to help guide you to the heart of the Father as you seek Him for peace, strength and wisdom. These playlists do require downloading the Spotify app.


Here are some questions for you to discuss with your family, friends and/or connection group after viewing the sermon. 

1) Where does [Mark 16:9-20] actually come from?  Why would the early Christian church choose to add it to what Mark had already written?

2) How many remaining New Testament manuscripts do we have?  Why should that give us confidence that the Scriptures are authentic/accurate/true?

3) Read over the following from a few well known New Testament scholars:

(Daniel Wallace on the number of New Testament manuscripts)

"New Testament scholars face an embarrassment of riches compared to the data of classical Greek and Latin scholars have to contend with. The average classical author’s literary remains number no more than twenty copies. We have more than 1,000 times the manuscript data for the New Testament than we do for the average Greco-Roman author. Not only this, but the extant manuscripts of the average classical author are no earlier than 500 years after the time he wrote, but for the New Testament, we wait a mere decades for surviving copies."

(Don Carson on the question of these very few places like Mark 16:9-20; John 7:53-8:11; 1 John 5:7-8)

“What is at stake is a purity of text of such a substantial nature that nothing we believe to be doctrinally true and nothing we are commanded to do is in any way jeopardized by the variance.”

4) Read Mark 16:1-5.  Discuss the very notable 'contrast' here, between the posture of these women going to the tomb, and the reality of what they encounter when they get there.  

5) Read Mark 16:6 - The angel makes it very clear that this Jesus who was crucified, is the very same Jesus that has risen.  Why do you think that this is so important? 

6) Read Mark 16:6-7 - What is the central message of this "gospel" that the angel proclaims?  Who are the first people that it will be preached to?  Why is that so significant?


New resources for you to use at home will be emailed on Sunday! We hope you enjoyed last week's activities, Lesson Video and Music Playlists. Click HERE to be added to our email list If you have not previously registered with Children's Ministry at our Check-in station or did not receive last week's email. 


Our Connection Groups have started meeting virtually by Zoom this week. Talk to your connection group leader about your meeting time. If you’re not in a connection group yet, you can find one today at


Our Connection Group leaders and Care Team are working hard to identify needs and mobilize support to those that are in need in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Connection group leaders are seeking to care for the needs within their groups, and our Care Team has faithfully reached out to those who aren’t in groups. As needs are identified, they are pairing them with volunteers that are willing to help. Many in our church family have stepped up to offer their assistance, and we praise God for you! Click here for our resource page to find ways to serve your church family and our greater community. If you or someone you know needs help, you can email the prayer team here or request assistance here.


You can worship with your finances by clicking here to give online or you can mail your gift to 889 W. Chapala Dr. Tucson, AZ 85704.


At this time, we are preparing a very special virtual Easter celebration that will include extra elements like worship and more. More information will be communicated with you soon, but we look forward to celebrating as one church family on Sunday, April 12. We hope our virtual celebration will be one you can share with your friends and family and neighbors as we continue to offer the world the one, true Hope that we have in Jesus! Plans are also in the works for a Good Friday service and we’ll update you on that soon.


You can stay up to date with the church at and through our social media channels: 

/nwbibleaz on Facebook

/studentsnwbc on Facebook

NWBC Children's Ministry group on Facebook

@nwbibleaz on Instagram on Instagram

@studentsnwbc on Instagram