Sunday, April 5 Worship Service

Here’s everything you need to continue worshipping with your Northwest Bible Church family on Sunday, April 5, even as we all stay at home. We would encourage you to take some time now to think through what your Sunday morning will look like. We really hope that these resources can help our community to continue to worship together.
We will have the opportunity to study together John 14:1-11 as we celebrate Palm Sunday.  View the sermon below.

Pastor Bryan has prepared a playlist for this Sunday called "Power in My Praise". This playlist does require downloading the Spotify app.
Here’s some discussion questions you can use to talk about the sermon with your friends, family, or connection group.

1) What are you scared, or anxious, or worried about right now?  What do you think is deep down at the root of that emotion? (i.e. what are you having a hard time really trusting Jesus to do or to be for you in it?)

2) Read John 20:30-31.  What does Jesus expect will happen as you sit under and receive His Word?   Do you expect the same thing?  Why or why not?

3) Read John 14:2-6.  What does Jesus mean when he says "I'm going to prepare a place for you?"  What is he preparing and how does He do it? 

4) Read John 14:8-11. What does what Christ did at the cross tell us about God?  How should that affect the way we live in the midst of turmoil? (especially in terms of what we allow ourselves to think, and feel, and be driven by)

5) John 14:16-18.  What does the presence of the Holy Spirit mean to you?  How would you describe your acknowledgement/interaction/relationship with Him?  Why might the Holy Spirit be such a big deal in times of uncertainty?

We hope you enjoyed last week's activities! All of our activities, lessons, resources, and music playlists are now available online for you to reference whenever you need.  Here’s a quick message from Ms. Tracie for all the families.

Our students have been having fun connecting online via Zoom. If you haven't heard about our student activities and would like to get a student connected, contact Pastor Joel.  


Next week we will begin to prepare our hearts for Easter. Look for an email from NWBC by Tuesday providing details on how to engage as a community during Holy Week.
Praise God for how He continues to provide for the kingdom work at NWBC! Let's continue to be cheerful givers. Below is our current financial status for our fiscal year ending in June. You can worship with your finances by clicking here to give online or you can mail your gift to 889 W. Chapala Dr. Tucson, AZ 85704. 

  • Year-to-Date budget need is $522,131.15

  • Year-to-Date actual giving is $547,020.00

  • Contributions are currently $24,888.85 above our current expectations.

If you want to connect with your NWBC family, be sure to log in to our secure online church directory. Click here to log in or request access. 


We would love to see how you’re doing church at home! Tag us in your photos and use #nwbibleathome

You can stay up to date with the church at and through our social media channels: 
/nwbibleaz on Facebook
/studentsnwbc on Facebook
NWBC Children's Ministry group on Facebook
@nwbibleaz on Instagram on Instagram
@studentsnwbc on Instagram