Sunday, June 14 Worship Service

This Sunday, June 14, we will gather as an online community AND in person for an outdoor service at 6pm at the church. We hope you'll join us in one of those ways. Here's everything you need to be part of Northwest Bible Church this Sunday.
This Sunday, Pastor Joel will continue our teaching series, Prelude to the Kingdom, in Ruth 3:1-18. The video sermon will be available here on Sunday morning and he'll preach the same message at our live outdoor service that evening.

If you feel comfortable, we’d love to have you join us on Sunday night for a live, outdoor, in-person worship service. Physical distancing guidelines will be followed. You can read more and reserve your seat by clicking here.

Check out Pastor Bryan's Spotify playlist of all the songs we sing on Sunday mornings by clicking here. This playlist does require downloading the Spotify app.
Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the sermon with your friends, family, or connection group.

  1. Why do you think it is important that ‘Hesed’ expresses itself in all three of those ways?

  2. Read Numbers 14:18. What impact does this definition of ‘Hesed’ have on your understanding of "slow to anger"?

  3. Read Ruth 3:1-18. What parts stood out most to you as examples of ‘Hesed’?

  4. Control is the enemy of ‘Hesed’. What part of your relationship with God do you struggle for control?

  5. Where in your marriages, family, relationships with others do you struggle for control?

  6. ‘Hesed’ makes us vulnerable because it is given not based on how the other person responds.  Why is that so intimidating?

  7. God's sovereignty over our lives is not about control, but about love.  ‘Hesed’ is what brings about His Kingdom.  How can our marriages better reflect that?

Children's resources for Sunday Worship may be found at Information about our VBS options can also be found there.

Student Ministries are kicking off Hot Summer Nights and beginning to prepare for Summer Camp in the end of July. If you haven't heard about our student activities and would like to get connected, contact Pastor Joel.  

Praise God for how He continues to provide for the kingdom work at NWBC! You can worship with your finances by clicking here to give online or you can mail your gift to 889 W. Chapala Dr. Tucson, AZ 85704. 

If you want to connect with your NWBC family, be sure to log in to our secure online church directory. Click here to log in or request access.