Our operation christmas child history

Recently, NWBC received an Appreciation Award from Samaritan’s Purse recognizing our 5 years of participation as a Drop Off Location.

You might say,“What is a Drop Off Location?” This means that our church has made available volunteers and space for other local churches to bring their shoEboxes to during National Collection Week. When they arrive with their boxes they are warmly greeted, their boxes are counted and prayed over and then put in cartons and taken to a Central Drop Off where they are placed on a semi-truck and sent to Fullerton, CA Processing Center. Thank You to all of you for making this happen each year!


Our VBS impact

Each summer during Vacation Bible Study, our children raise funds to purchase supplies and toys for Operation Christmas Child boxes. This year our VBS children donated $1315 towards a Sunday School Packing Party that will be held in the fall. Our kids are fired up about missions!


national collection week - November 15-22, 2021


drop your shoeboxes here!

Northwest Bible Church is a location for shoebox drop-offs on Monday-Saturday from 10-2pm, Sunday from 1-3pm. We are located at 889 W Chapala Drive and we hope to see you then with your shoeboxes!


Contact our MissionS Team to Learn More about Operation Christmas Child