October 21, 2021


If you were listening to a mixed tape of the book of Proverbs, wisdom would be the major theme. This Sunday we will explore words of wisdom and focus in on Proverbs 10:11 "The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence". If you are not able to join us in person, then we welcome you at 10:30am via our live stream at northwestbible.com/live.

We will have the opportunity to celebrate baptism on Sunday, November 14th in our services. If you are interested in being baptized or would like to know more about baptism at Northwest Bible, please let us know here by Monday, November 8th.

Launching this week is our podcast, In the Narthex, with episode one focusing on "A Theology of the Gathering". Pastor Jeff, Pastor Lucas and worship leader Alyssa Ghubril will be discussing the weekly worship of the church. You can find the link to this podcast at northwestbible.com or under the media tab of your NWBC app. After you've had a chance to listen and learn more about worship, check out the worship songs that we will be singing together this coming Sunday on Spotify.

The details are coming together for an informal evening to connect with others at our first Northwest Bible Friendsgiving! On Sunday, November 21st from 4-6pm we will gather for an early dinner, games of corn hole on the grass, and a big jump house for the kids. Then as the sun sets and the night gets a bit chilly, we will gather around a fire for some worship. This is also a great opportunity to welcome new friends into our community. So mark your calendars as we are looking forward to this time together!

Parents, mark your calendars for Sunday, November 7th. This will be a Sunday your kids won't want to miss! At VBS this year we raised funds to send shoeboxes to children around the world and we will be hosting a packing party to prepare and pray over these boxes. Learn more about Operation Christmas Child at northwestbible.com/contribute. And if you'd like to create your own shoebox, boxes are available for pick-up on the patio each Sunday.

Are you looking for a place to meet some people and get a feel for what it's like to serve at Northwest Bible? Becoming a volunteer at our children's check-in desk might be the perfect place for you! It requires a bit of time before service and a little bit as the service starts to welcome families to our Children's Ministry and help them get each child checked in and ready to head into their classroom. If this sounds like a good fit for you, let us know here.

On Wednesday October 27th, we will be doing a Super Hero Murder Mystery Dinner. The cost is $5 per student and we will have El Molinitos for dinner. Students are to come dressed as their favorite super hero or villain. We will start at 6:30pm to eat, play some games, and then solve a mystery. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Student Ministries Pastor Joel Smith.

Mark you calendars and plan to join us on Friday, December 3rd for an evening of food, encouragement, and a time to be together during this Christmas season. We will meet in the sanctuary from 6-8pm with drinks and dessert provided. You may bring along an appetizer or finger food to share. Let us know that you'll be able to come by making your reservation at northwestbible.com/women.

We are planning to take one team of 15 volunteers to Rocky Point, Mexico over Veteran's Day weekend to build a home for a family. There is room for a few more volunteers, so if you are interested in joining us, please click here. If you are unable to join us, but would like to donate to this mission trip and help build this home with your financial support, follow this link and select Amor from the drop down box. 

A dedicated group of volunteers meet every Sunday at 9 am on our campus to pray. They pray for requests, they pray for our church, they pray for our local community, they pray for our nation, and any other way prompted. If you'd like to join this prayer team, please click here

Doug is currently working as a translation consultant and as a mentor for younger consultants. He reviews books of the Bible with mother tongue translators from a number of indigenous languages primarily from Mexico. He works remotely, but also has face to face sessions with the teams in their village locations. Currently, he is in Paraguay working with 1 Corinthians in the Ñandeva language. The primary purpose of this 3-week trip is to help train Latin consultants. There are three native speaking translators on the team. Also there are two Latinos who he is mentoring to work as consultants: Mery (from Bolivia) and Daniel (From Paraguay). They observe and have opportunities to participate in the consulting process. The area where they are working in Paraguay is rustic (no water because of a two year drought, really hot, and the power often goes out).
In Mexico, he works with two other consultants in training: Leo and José. Some of this work also is virtual; some on location in the villages.
Linda remains in Tucson during this trip. She works with older members of Wycliffe who live there in Member Care and also works as an editor for Wycliffe publications which are mostly academic papers, some written in English by non native speakers. They appreciate your prayers and other support. Pray specifically for the presentation of a book containing the first five books of the New Testament which will be presented in different Ñandeva communities this weekend. It is hot off the press!

This WeekStephanie Petersen