November 4, 2021


If you were listening to a mixed tape of the book of Proverbs, wisdom would be the major theme. This Sunday Pastor Jeff will share with us the heart of wisdom with Proverbs 4:23 as our anchor verse. If you are not able to join us in person, then we welcome you at 10:30am via our live stream at

We will have the opportunity to celebrate baptism on Sunday, November 14th in our services. If you are interested in being baptized or would like to know more about baptism at Northwest Bible, please let us know here by Monday, November 8th.

Did you have a chance to take a listen? Make sure you follow "In the Narthex", so you will know exactly when a new episode has been published. You can find links to access this podcast at or under the media tab of your NWBC app. After you've had a chance to listen and learn more about worship, check out the worship songs that we will be singing together this coming Sunday on Spotify.

On Sunday, November 21st from 4-6pm we will gather for an early dinner, games of corn hole on the grass, and a big jump house for the kids. Then as the sun sets and the night gets a bit chilly, we will gather around a fire for some worship. This is also a great opportunity to welcome new friends into our community. There is no cost for the friends that you invite to come with you and if you consider Northwest Bible your home, we'd like to ask that you bring $5 to contribute to dinner and camp chairs and blankets to enjoy on the grass. So mark your calendars as we are looking forward to this time together!

Parents, we are looking forward to seeing all your kids this Sunday as we host an Operation Christmas Child packing party! At VBS this year we raised funds to send shoeboxes to children around the world and we will be hosting a packing party to prepare and pray over these boxes. Learn more about Operation Christmas Child at

Are you looking for a place to meet some people and get a feel for what it's like to serve at Northwest Bible? Becoming a volunteer at our children's check-in desk might be the perfect place for you! It requires a bit of time before service and a little bit as the service starts to welcome families to our Children's Ministry and help them get each child checked in and ready to head into their classroom. If this sounds like a good fit for you, let us know here.

Mark you calendars and plan to join us on Friday, December 3rd for an evening of food, encouragement, and a time to be together during this Christmas season. We will meet in the sanctuary from 6-8pm with drinks and dessert provided. You may bring along an appetizer or finger food to share. Let us know that you'll be able to come by making your reservation at

On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, we will have an opportunity to come together and pour out blessings on three specific communities: our local schools across the street, our college campuses, and our partners across the globe at Global Training Network. Giving Tuesday is on Tuesday, November 30th and you may make your donations online here or bring them to a Sunday service with you by December 5th. To learn more about our schools, college campuses and global pastors, visit

It's exciting that we are able to bring our Day of Service back this year! We will have the opportunity to bless those outside our community with our hands and skills. Projects are coming together and you can register here to lend a hand and kick-off your advent season with a day of service. We will gather on Saturday, December 4th from 8-12pm. 

Operation Christmas Child at Northwest Bible is in high gear! Our last Sunday to give out shoeboxes will be this weekend.  If you'd like to participate, but would rather not go shopping, then you can build a box online for just $25 and this includes the shipping. Our church has set a goal of building 40 online shoeboxes. Check out this page and use this link to credit your online shoebox to our goal :Build A Shoebox Online.  


Dear our beloved brethren,

Greetings from Hope community Bible Church here in Uganda.

We are so happy to read from you, after a long while of the lockdown brought about by the covid-19 pandemic.  Sorry for taking long to write back; it was because this week we had a training classes with Pastor Bill, but we thank God we completed today. 

I, Pastor Martin and Rose, together with Pastor Richard and Betty, thank God for his love, care, and mercy that we experienced during the period of the lockdown when churches were not congregating.  We praise God because he used the lockdown to bring many souls to the kingdom of God. Because we did not just sit down, but went on having home fellowships and visiting homes of non-believers with the aim of sharing Christ's love with them; we thank God it worked very well.


Now we are discipling 40 new people who came to know the Lord during the time of the lockdown. Now we have an added good problem because we had it even before the church lockdown. This problem is of having a small space for meeting and less chairs; we thank God for he has given us good Christians, so those who come from near the church bring chairs from their homes. 

Therefore we request you to stand with us in prayer for God to help us work together to fulfill our plan of expanding the worshiping place and also acquire more seats. 


Please pray with us that God will help us to do his will in us as we disciple the leadership team and all the entire church members.

God's grace be with you all.

By his grace alone,

Martin and Rose

This WeekStephanie Petersen