April 29, 2021

This Sunday we will continue to have three ways to celebrate the Gospel. First, you can choose to attend our 9am service and wear your mask as you are coming into and out of the building and during our time of worship, or you can attend our 10:30am service where masks will be suggested and finally, we will continue to offer our online service at 10:30am via northwestbible.com/live, Facebook or YouTube. For children's ministry, you will need to make a reservation for their class and send all children into their classrooms with masks at the 9am service. You can make your reservation each week at northwestbible.com/children. We are looking forward to celebrating with you this Sunday as we continue in our series, The Gospel of God, and study Romans 15:14-33.

Hooray for spring! Let's have some fun together on Sunday, May 23rd from 5:30-7:30pm! Join us on campus for shaved ice, gelato, water slides, jumping castles and more! You can either eat before you come or bring along your dinner and enjoy it picnic style on our grassy area. Our women's and men's ministry teams will be hosting this event and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here.

--Catalina State Park Hike
Mark your calendars for some fresh air and time together hiking the trails at Catalina State Park. Meet up in the parking lot at 8am on Saturday, May 8th, bring your water bottle and sun hat and we look forward to seeing you there!

--Training Tables
Our men will be diving into a 12-week study of the book of Matthew starting the week of May 9th. There are training tables that meet on various days and times of the week. Check out the available times and let us know you are coming here.

--Jr./Sr. Prom Under The Stars
We are hosting a special evening for our juniors and seniors in high school on Saturday, May 8th. There will be dancing, wagon rides, a photo booth, and lots of incredible memories to be made. Learn more and have your students register at northwestbible.com/students by this Sunday, May 2nd.

--Summer Camp 2021
Students entering into 6th grade through 12th grade will have the opportunity to travel to Payson, AZ on June 10-13 and enjoy the grounds and activities offered at Tonto Rim Christian Camp. If you have a student or know a student that you'd like to invite, have them check out northwestbible.com/students for all of the details and to register. The registration deadline is Sunday, May 9th.

VBS 2021
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 1st - Friday June 4th for an amazing time unearthing the truth of Jesus with our Destination Dig VBS! It's going to take lots of volunteers to make VBS a reality and there are all types of ways to be a part of the fun. Be thinking and praying how God wants to grow you and the children in your circle of influence during this time. Registration for VBS participants and volunteers is open! Learn more about Destination Dig at northwestbible.com/vbs.

Below is our current financial status at the end of April 2021. You can worship with your finances by clicking here to give online or you can mail your gift to 889 W. Chapala Dr. Tucson, AZ 85704.
Year-to-Date budget need is $573,424
Year-to-Date actual giving is $548,313
Contributions are currently $25,111 below our current budget

It’s been wonderful to see so many happy faces back in our nursery - preschool areas! Now that our families are coming back to in person church, we are looking to add to our team to accommodate Northwest’s littlest members. Have you ever sighed and thought, there’s just nothing like holding a baby!? You’re perfect for nursery! Do you get super excited about snacks? Guess what? So do our toddlers! If rocking a baby, sharing goldfish and conversation with two year olds, or helping little ones to learn about God’s love for them sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact our Preschool Director, Ricki Allen and she’ll help you get connected. 

Are you joining us from home in this season? Do you notice all of the comments that are shared in the chat by Northwest Bible Church? We are in need of a volunteer to interact and create that content each Sunday starting at 10:20am. If you would enjoy interacting with folks that are part of our online community, please let us know here