May 13, 2021
Join us this Sunday as we welcome guest speaker Bill Wright from the Global Training Network. Bill joined GTN in 2009 where he trains pastors and church leaders in Uganda, Rwanda, and the D.R. of Congo. Bill began with twenty students in Uganda and twenty students in Rwanda. From 2009 to 2019, by God's grace, he will have seen nearly 1,000 graduates from three countries. Bill will share with us the mission, the vision, and stories of transformed lives through GTN.
This Sunday we will continue to have three ways to celebrate the Gospel. First, you can choose to attend our 9am service and wear your mask as you are coming into and out of the building and during our time of worship, or you can attend our 10:30am service where masks will be suggested and finally, we will continue to offer our online service at 10:30am via, Facebook or YouTube. For children's ministry, you will need to make a reservation for their class and send all children into their classrooms with masks at the 9am service. You can make your reservation each week at
We will dive into the book of 1 John starting next Sunday and follow through this book through summer. If you find yourself away this summer, join us via the live stream at at 10:30am or catch the replay at or under the media tab on your NWBC app.
Hooray for spring! Let's have some fun together on Sunday, May 23rd from 5:30-7:30pm! Join us on campus for shaved ice, Frost gelato, water slides, jumping castles and more! Have your kiddos wear their swimwear and invite your friends to join you next weekend! You can either eat before you come or bring along your dinner and enjoy it picnic style on our grassy area. Our women's and men's ministry teams will be hosting this event and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here.
--End of the Season
Our middle school students will wrap up the season on Wednesday, May 19th. This will also be an opportunity for the incoming 6th graders to come check out our middle school weekly gathering! Our high school ministry will wrap up its season on Sunday, May 16th and will celebrate our seniors with a blessing. Please be praying for these transitions for our students and if you have any questions or would like to get involved with our Student Ministries, please contact Pastor Joel Smith.
--Pop-Up Sunday
Sunday, June 6th will be when our children will be promoted to their next class. So come ready to check-in, have fun, and prepare your children to meet their new teachers!
VBS 2021
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 1st - Friday June 4th for an amazing time unearthing the truth of Jesus with our Destination Dig VBS! It's going to take lots of volunteers to make VBS a reality and there are all types of ways to be a part of the fun. Be thinking and praying how God wants to grow you and the children in your circle of influence during this time. Registration for VBS participants and volunteers is open! Learn more about Destination Dig at Training for our VBS leaders will be held on Sunday, May 23rd after 2nd service, so don't delay and get registered today!
--Click here to see what's available and who to contact for more information.
When the Care Team met with Connection Groups, many people expressed that they would like a method of being able to share needs and blessings with the body so that we can bless each other – a bulletin board. The Prayer Requests & Needs Group was created to fill that need. If you have a need or something you want to be able to share with others, please email and the Care Team may then post the need or blessing in the Prayer Requests & Needs Group where anyone in our directory can see the need. This is how it works. First, log into the directory site. On the left side of the screen, click on the Groups tab. At the top of the groups is a search bar. Type Prayer Requests & Needs into the bar. Open that group by clicking on it – it has the picture of the bulletin board. You then can look at the messages tab or the needs tab to see the needs, blessings, and prayer requests that have been posted. If you would like to receive these needs in emails (no more than weekly), please click “join group”. Otherwise you can check back on your own, although you will need to search for the group each time. If you have any questions, contact and one of us will get back with you. We look forward to joining you in helping bear each others burdens.
One way we can love each other as the family of God is to provide meals for those in need. As part of the Meal Provider Ministry, we provide meals to those going through valleys or hardships as well as those celebrating new life. A new baby, sickness, surgery, financial strains, and death are just some of the times we can show love through providing a meal. Normally, connection groups attend to the needs of their group. If someone could benefit from a meal and is not in a connection group or if a meal need becomes larger than the connection group is capable of, the meal provider ministry can step in and help. If you would like to be part of this team, you will receive emails on occasions about meal needs in our church family. If you would like to be added to this ministry team or if would like your name to be removed from the current list, please email us at . Also, if you sign up, the Care Team wants you to know that just because there is a need doesn’t mean you have to fill it. If you are led to help, wonderful. We believe that God will fill that need no matter what.