May 27, 2021
We look forward to welcoming you back to church this Sunday as we continue in our new sermon series, "The Weight of Balance, a study of 1 John". We will celebrate the Gospel at both 9 and 10:30am with masks optional. Our children's ministry is available at both services and we ask that you continue to make your reservation for these classes so we can best prepare our volunteers and manage our spaces. You can make that reservation at Our middle school students continue to gather at 9am in the sanctuary for worship and then move into the youth building for their time of study. We know that this summer will bring opportunities to finally get out and travel, so know that we continue to live stream our service at 10:30am at so you can continue to watch online and dive into 1 John with us no matter where you are this summer.
Thank you to all of you who came out to our Spring Fun event! It was a great time to relax and connect with others in our community. We also found some items left behind from that night. The lost and found box will be out on the patio this Sunday, so take a look and see if any items belong to you or let the church office know if you are missing something. All items in the lost and found box will be donated on 6/5/21.
--Pop-Up Sunday
Sunday, June 6th will be when our children will be promoted to their next class according to their grade level. So come ready to check-in, have fun, and prepare your children to meet their new teachers! Our classes will be Nursery, Toddlers - 2s, Preschool, Kindergarten-2nd, and 3rd-5th grades.
Our VBS will kick-off next Tuesday, June 1st at 8:30am! We are excited to see what God has planned for both our amazing group of leaders and each and every child that will be on our campus. Please be praying for these groups of leaders and participants and check out our social media for a daily update of what truths they are unearthing at our Destination Dig VBS (Facebook, Instagram).
A dedicated group of volunteers meet every Sunday at 9 am on our campus to pray. They pray for requests, they pray for our church, they pray for our local community, they pray for our nation, and any other way prompted. If you'd like to join this prayer team, please click here. If you'd like to share a prayer request with them, please do so here.
--Click here to see what's available and who to contact for more information.