August 26, 2021
This Sunday we will conclude our sermon series, "The Weight of Balance" as Pastor Jeff teaches from 1 John 5:13-21. We will have the opportunity to celebrate baptism in the 9am service. If you are joining us from online, we are delighted that you are with us at 10:30am at Be sure to check in and share where you are watching from and connect with others joining in online.
Student Ministries Pastor Joel Smith has completed his season of training, preparing himself to lead us in the role as an elder. You have an opportunity to share your feedback and cast your vote confirming this role here, until September 10th. On Sunday, September 12th we will commission our newest elder and a deacon team. Our deacons will oversee an area of ministry on behalf of the elders, in a way that involves more responsibility, autonomy and initiative. Our deacon teams will be:
Baptism Team, led by Ken and Kathy Creviston
Care Team, led by Maelee Fuehrer and Angie Leicht
Communion Team, led by Chris Ward
Finance Team, led by Brian Fuehrer
Welcome Team, led by Rowdy Frederiksen
If you have any feedback about these leaders, please share that here by September 10th as well.
--Teacher Training
Join us this Sunday after second service for teacher training! This training will give you the foundation to teach any age. So if you have been considering where God might be wanting to showcase your gifts, come check this out or reach out to Pastor Joel with any questions.
--New Classroom
On Sunday, September 5th our kindergarten and 1st graders will return to Building B with their own dedicated teachers! We are excited to open up this class for the fall and thankful for our faithful volunteers that show our children the love of Jesus each and every week.
--Preschool Teachers Needed
This age group thrives with consistency, so in order to create the best environment for them to learn about Jesus, we are seeking a few volunteers who can consistently have some fun, read bible stories and share snacks with these precious children. Please contact Pastor Joel or drop in to the teacher training this Sunday to learn more.
Starting on Sunday, September 5th our middle school students will be able to attend on Sundays at either our 9 or 10:30am services! We are excited to be able to offer this to our families. Our middle school students join us each Sunday in the sanctuary for worship, then they head over to the youth building for their lesson time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Student Ministries Pastor Joel Smith.
--Bible Study
We launched our two bible study offerings this week, but it's never too late to jump in! If you are interested in learning more about "Becoming a Woman Whose God Is Enough", check out all the details at
Northwest Bible has been traveling to Rocky Point, Mexico for years to build houses for families. We have an opportunity to travel again this year and invite you to an informational meeting to learn more on Tuesday, August 31st at 7pm in the youth building.
MISSION HIGHLIGHT: Power Over Predators - Empowering Youth To Protect Their Future
Imagine a world where kids are free from online exploitation. Millions of children and their futures are at risk from online predators (21.7 million child victims in 2020) with little to no help. This is a problem. Our children should not be left to defend themselves.
Power Over Predators needs you to help solve this problem. Online exploitation is preventable. We help kids and parents recognize and avoid threats with our nationally endorsed prevention training.
To join the fight to safeguard our kids, simply:
1. Sign up for a free parent account here
2. Learn the signs of abuse and how to identify the threats your children face
3. Pass POP along to family, friends, and neighbors
Thank you, Northwest Bible Church, for your partnership in this mission. Your passion for protecting kids extends throughout our community. Power Over Predators has helped 78,000 students, parents, and educators recognize and protect our kids from threats. The last two years have greatly limited our student ministry. Your continued financial support and prayers for open doors to reach students are needed now more than ever. Sign up for your free account here.
Lisa Hansen, Education Director/Founder
John Patton, Executive Director