January 20, 2022
This Sunday we will continue in our new sermon series titled, The Kingdom, studying the gospel of Matthew and we will be learning from Matthew 4:12-25. We continue to share our service via livestream at 10:45am at northwestbible.com/live.
We will have the opportunity to celebrate baptism on Sunday, February 13th in our services. If you are interested in being baptized or would like to know more about baptism at Northwest Bible, please let us know here by Monday, February 7th.
Our podcast is back for 2022! Episode #6 explores "Christianity in a Post-Christian World". Pastor Jeff, Pastor Lucas and Worship Leader Alyssa Ghubril discuss how Christians can relate to the world around them and how to engage with those that don't believe. You can actually watch our podcasts by clicking on the photo or listen in via Apple Podcasts or Spotify. The easiest way to get started is to go to northwestbible.com. To share your thoughts and feedback, email us at podcast@northwestbible.com.
Next Friday, January 28th from 6-7:30pm we will host our first family summit! Check out the details of the night from Pastor Joel (by clicking on the photo). New for 2022, we will be hosting a quarterly conference for our entire church family that will equip us to disciple the next generation in our homes and at church. In this first quarter we will unpack the idea of a family vision and learn how our family vision can inform our decisions. Our children will have a fun night at the "Drive-In Movies". And our students will step into opportunities to serve that evening. It's going to be an amazing night of focusing on our potential influences on families, both our own and our church family. Register today at northwestbible.com/familysummit.
Connection groups are gatherings of rich, engaged, interpersonal relationships that seek to connect the story of Christ with our own stories. On various nights of the week, multi-generational small groups are studying the bible, praying and discussing how they are experiencing growth spiritually together. It's within this context that we experience authentic community and build lasting relationships. If you haven't tried a connection group or haven't been successful in finding the right group thus far, know that there are new groups opening up and that now is the time of year to get into a new group. If you are interested and would like help finding the right group for you, click here.
Training tables are an opportunity to get in a huddle of other men, to be formed in Christ, and to grow in our walk with the Lord. These groups meet at various times and places through the week and started up this week and you can still join in to study the book of Ecclesiastes. If you'd like to give a table a try, then check out the available groups here and a member of the men's ministry team will connect with you to get started.
Not sure what to have for dinner tonight? Gather around 'The Table' and join us for a men's ministry dinner with beef tri-tip tonight at 6pm. We will gather in the NWBC Youth room for delicious food, fellowship and encouragement. All men are welcome and feel free to invite your friends to come along.
All women are welcome to join us starting the week of February 1st for our next bible study. We will be studying '1 Peter: A Living Hope In Christ' by Jen Wilkin on Tuesday evenings or Thursday mornings. Childcare will be provided on Thursday morning. For more information and to register for the study, go to northwestbible.com/women.
IF:Table is based on Acts 2:46. Our hope is that you spend time getting to know God better and getting to know those around you with a simple invitation for a meal around the table. We really are better together! So we will gather together on Friday, February 11th at 6pm on our campus for a meal. Limited childcare is available on a first come first serve basis. Get registered today here.
Learning to Love the Master focuses your eyes on the specifics of God's involvement in your life and the lives of others; taking you through a process of writing the story of God's presence in your life. This retreat is hosted by Journey Companion Ministries and will be held on March 18-20 at the Holy Trinity Monastery in St. David, Arizona. For more information or to get registered for this amazing weekend, click here.
This past fall we commissioned deacons to take on the responsibilities of our Sunday morning teams, communion, baptism, finance and Care Team. This is an excellent group of volunteers that have been faithfully serving and are now ready to expand their teams! There are opportunities to welcome guests, connect with guests, prepare coffee, and help folks find their seats. Each one of these opportunities will give you a chance to meet more people in our community. There are also opportunities behind the scenes to prepare the communion trays or assemble the baptismal. Check out all the ways you can contribute your time and talents around Northwest Bible here.
--Doug and Linda Towne - Wycliffe Bible Translators
For the first time ever 100,000 people can now read the book of Genesis in their language. The first week in January 2022, Doug worked with five Mayo-speaking Bible translators to complete the consultant-checking of this portion of God’s Word. The Mayo live in Northern Mexico, so Doug and others drove there. Thank God for providing safety. Thank God that José was able to fly in from Mexico City to join the group as a consultant-in-training (under Doug’s mentoring).
Doug is now mentoring three Spanish-speaking consultants-in-training: Leo, Daniel, and José. Daniel (from Paraguay) and Doug will be working remotely on consultant-checking the book of II Kings later in January. Speaking of Paraguay, in late September 2021, Doug worked there in person with the group of translators who speak the Ñandeva language. They so appreciated his work with them on I Corinthians that they have asked him to do the consultant checking of II Corinthians. They will complete the translation of the entire New Testament this year. Another people group will have God’s Word in their heart language.
Linda keeps busy editing for the publications department of SIL International. She has been editing a linguistics textbook during December and January.
Can you see what God is doing?! An experienced Bible translator, a trained linguist – moving into roles where they can train and equip others to be successful in Bible Translation. What a beautiful plan God is orchestrating! And we get to be part of it!!
You, too, are part of this beautiful plan as you give and pray for us and this ministry. Thank you so much for partnering with us.