May 12, 2022

This Sunday Lead Pastor Jeff Thune will open up the scriptures to Matthew 12:1-14 and continue in our sermon series, The Kingdom. If you are out of town or unable to join us in person you can always join us via the live stream at 10:45am at or YouTube

After the season of Lent, Holy Week and Easter, Pastor Jeff, Pastor Lucas and Worship Leader Alyssa Ghubril have released episode #10 - A Theology of the Ascension and discuss Jesus' ascension into heaven, what it means, and why it's important. You can listen in via Apple Podcasts or Spotify. The easiest way to get started is to go to To share your thoughts and feedback, email us at

Summer Fest is an opportunity to kick-off summer together on Wednesday, June 1st @ 5pm! We have designed a relaxing evening for all ages to come and enjoy time together on our lawn. We invited the Haus of Brats food truck to serve us dinner, we will have dueling water slides to keep the kids happy and cool, and then we will gather to worship. This is also a great opportunity to welcome new friends into our community. There is no cost for the friends that you invite to come with you and if you consider Northwest Bible your home, we'd like to ask that you bring $5 to contribute to dinner and camp chairs and blankets to enjoy on the grass. We are looking forward to seeing you all there! Want to know the menu? Click here.

We know things can easily get misplaced on a Sunday morning. We've gathered them up and our boxes are full, so the lost and found boxes will be out on the patio this Sunday. Take a look and see if any items belong to you or let the church office know if you are missing something. All items in the lost and found box will be donated on 5/30/22.

Our children and our VBS volunteers are in for a wet and wild VBS experience this year with "Make Waves"! Kids will learn that what you do today can change the world around you. When you put your trust in Jesus, you can "make waves" because of His spirit living inside you. Our VBS is a free program open to children who are completing kindergarten through 5th grade. We will host VBS on our campus from Tuesday, May 31st through Friday, June 3rd. Get all the details and register your children and/or register for a fun role as a volunteer in this wet and wild adventure at by Sunday, May 15th to guarantee your t-shirt size.

Mark you calendars for another morning out in nature for our 3rd-5th grade boys and their dads, learning how to shoot and hit a target safely. This is happening on Saturday, May 14th from 8-10am and we will carpool from the Fry's on Tangerine to our location. Let us know that you'll be able to join us here 


We will be having child dedications on Sunday, May 22nd. Child dedication is a public commitment you make before God, your church, and your family. It means you, as parents, are partnering with God as you raise your children. The dedication service provides you with an opportunity to publicly express your desire to lead and spiritually nurture your child in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, so your child will develop a desire to love God and love others. If you would like to have your child dedicated, please register here

It's promotion time at Northwest Bible! Coming up on Sunday, June 6th our children will be promoted to their next class according to their grade level. So come ready to check-in, have fun, and prepare your children to meet their new teachers! Our classes will be Nursery, Toddlers - 2s, Preschool, Kindergarten-1st, 2nd-3rd, and 4th-5th grades. If you have any questions about Pop-Up Sunday, please let us know here.

Our incoming 6th grade to 12th students are headed to Tonto Rim Christian Camp in Payson, AZ this summer! This is a great opportunity for your student to get outside, make deeper relationships, and draw closer to God. Please register your students by Sunday, May 29th. You may click here for more details and to reserve your spot today.

We have an amazing class of graduating seniors and we want to take some time to bless them and enjoy lunch with them as they head off to their next adventures! On Sunday, May 15th at 12:30pm we will gather in the youth room for a time to break bread together and bless our graduating seniors. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Joel. 

Starting the week of May 16th, training tables will be kicking off a new study in 1st Peter. Training tables are an opportunity for men to gather together and dive into God's word on various days of the week. Check out the available times and places here

Gather around 'The Table' and join us for our next men's ministry dinner on Thursday, May 19th at 6pm. We will gather in the NWBC Youth room for delicious food, fellowship and encouragement. All men are welcome and feel free to invite your friends to come along. Let us know you are coming here

--April 2022 Contributions
At this point in our fiscal year we expected to have received $575,589.04 in contributions. We have actually received $530,419.44 in contributions, which is $45,169.60 below expectations. There are three ways to worship with your finances at Northwest Bible. You can give online at our website or the NWBC app, in person in the sanctuary or lobby, or via the mail at 889 W Chapala Drive.

--Global Training Network
We are currently gathering a team to travel to Uganda to connect with our partnering pastors, to help conduct a training conference for pastors from various areas and to meet four additional pastors that we would consider partnering with as they launch their new churches. Keep an eye on this area for more information and details on how you can be supporting our partnering pastors and this GTN Mission team. Check out our current pastors and their churches at