June 2, 2022
This Sunday Worship Pastor Lucas Hattenberger will lead us through Matthew 13:53-14:36 in our sermon series, The Kingdom. If you are out of town or unable to join us in person you can always join us via the live stream at 10:45am at northwestbible.com/live, Facebook or YouTube.
On Wednesday, June 15th join us for an evening of worship and vision as we communicate where God is leading us for this next year. Starting at 5:15pm will we have dinner available, then we will begin our evening of worship, prayer, and vision casting at 6pm. There is childcare available and we'd appreciate you registering here, so we know how many volunteers to gather to care for your children. So mark your calendar as we are looking forward to this time together!
Episode #11 is available and you aren't going to want to miss this one! Our team will be addressing whether there is a more fitting atmosphere for corporate worship. Should the lights be on or off? Many people are opinionated about this, and often employ biblical rationale for either side: is there really more than an opinion about this? Pastor Jeff and Pastor Lucas will pick sides and even gather a team around them for support. Check it out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at northwestbible.com. To share your thoughts and feedback, email us at podcast@northwestbible.com.
It's promotion time at Northwest Bible! Coming up this Sunday, June 5th our children will be promoted to their next class according to their grade level. So come ready to check-in, have fun, and prepare your children to meet their new teachers! Our classes will be Nursery, Toddlers - 2s, Preschool, Kindergarten-1st, 2nd-3rd, and 4th-5th grades. If you have any questions about Pop-Up Sunday, please let us know here.
Our students and their leaders leave in a week to Tonto Rim Christian Camp in Payson, AZ! Please take some time over the next week to pray for these students and leaders, expecting opportunities to get outside, make deeper relationships, and draw closer to God. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Family Pastor Joel Smith.
--Andrew & Shannon Core - Athletes in Action
It's an exciting time as we have our Athletes in Action staff reporting for their summer assignment and the first of two in person Ultimate Training Camps (UTC) since May 2019. The virtual platform was used mightily by God the last three summers but we are thrilled to bring back the backbone of teaching athletes how faith and life intersect. We completed the Colorado camp last week and the Twin Cities location is happening now. Andrew is in the Twin Cities May 24-June 5 working the registration and assigning campers to their small groups and teams they will be with for the week. Pray for athletes lives to be changed/challenged by God. Pray athletes show up who aren’t even sure why they’re there. Pray athletes would know a sense of community in the six days that would transfer to life after UTC. Pray good health for all. We also thank God for all of the interns that he brought to run the UTCs. Please pray these interns see their finances raised up, they connect well with God as they prepare for the camps, and they would would begin to develop a strong sense of community. http://www.ultimatetrainingcamp.com/