June 23, 2022
This Sunday as we enter into a time of worship, you can know ahead of time what we'll be singing! Pastor Lucas has created two playlists for you, a Digital Hymnal and Sunday Songs. The Digital Hymnal contains all of the songs that we are singing in this season and the Sunday Songs gives you the playlist for our next worship service. Pastor Jeff will lead us into Matthew chapter 17, in our ongoing sermon series, "The Kingdom". What exactly was the Transfiguration. What does it further reveal about the person and the work of Jesus? Why should that matter to you and I? These are just some of the questions that we'll be pressing into together. If you are out of town or unable to join us in person you can always join us via the live stream at 10:45am at northwestbible.com/live, Facebook or YouTube.
We will have the opportunity to celebrate baptism on Sunday, July 24th in our services. If you are interested in being baptized or would like to know more about baptism at Northwest Bible, please let us know here by Monday, July 18th.
VISION FOR 2022-2023
At our Vision Night, we had an opportunity to worship, pray, and hear from Pastor Jeff about our vision for the upcoming year. If you have questions about that vision or would like additional information, please don't hesitate to let us know here. If you were unable to attend Vision Night and would like to review the vision, please visit northwestbible.com/vision-night.
IN THE NARTHEX - a podcast of Northwest Bible Church
Are you all caught up on the episodes? There will be a new episode dropping next week. You can listen to "In the Narthex" on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or on the front page of our website, northwestbible.com. If you ever have questions about what you've heard or ideas for what you are curious about for a future podcast, don't hesitate to send those questions to podcast@northwestbible.com.
Our middle school and high school students will have fun-filled evenings on Wednesdays nights from 5:30-8pm. Hot Summer Nights will include dinner for $3 per student and invited friends are always free. On Wednesday, June 29th our student leaders will be hosting a Nerf Night for both middle school and high school on our campus. Your students can bring along their own nerf equipment or we will have some available. If you have any questions about our Student Ministry, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Joel.
--Larry & Mary Harris - Wycliffe Bible Translation
As Larry and Mary Harris continue their work at Wycliffe Bible Translation, they have shared the following praises and prayer requests for their mission. We are praising God that the New Testament typesetting has been finished and the manuscript was sent to Dallas. Please pray for it's protection and that God would use it in the hearts of the Mixtec people. Pray for our Mixtec friend, Dr. Benito Lopez, who was in the hospital over a month with COVID. He was the voice of Jesus in the recording of the New Testament. The doctors are concerned that there may be brain damage, so please pray for healing and recovery, and for peace for him and his family. Please pray that the megavoices, that contain the recorded New Testament and Genesis, would be used effectively to change the Mixtec hearts and lives.
If you'd like to know more about Larry & Mary's mission and pray for additional requests, please let them know that by clicking here.