July 28, 2022

Prepare your hearts by reading over the scripture for this Sunday from Matthew 19:27-20:16 as Pastor Jeff continues in our sermon series, The Kingdom. If you are out of town or unable to join us in person you can always join us via the live stream at 10:45am at northwestbible.com/live, Facebook or YouTube.

Join us for dinner and conversation on Tuesday, August 16th at 5:30pm to learn what it means to be a member at Northwest Bible. If you are already a member, we'd like to invite you to refresh your commitment and listen in on the vision again. You will have an opportunity to meet our elders, ask questions and determine if membership is the right next step for you. Childcare is available. Let us know that you will be joining us by registering here.

On Friday, August 12th from 6-8pm we will host our third family summit! This summit is for our entire church family and will equip us to disciple the next generation in our homes and at church. In this third quarter, we will focus on how to worship and pray as a family. Children from 1st-12th grade will participate in the summit with their families and experience times of worship and prayer. Our nursery through kindergarten children will have fun activities planned for them in the children's ministry. It's going to be an amazing night of worship and we look forward to seeing you there! Get your family registered at northwestbible.com/family.

Save the date and get your tickets to an Arizona Diamondback baseball game and a concert with Switchfoot this August 19th! Our students and their families will be driving up to Chase Stadium for the 6:40pm game against the St. Louis Cardinals and then immediately following there will be a concert from the grammy winning band Switchfoot. Click here to get your tickets today.

Gather around 'The Table' and join us for our next men's ministry dinner on Thursday, August 18th at 6pm. We will gather in the NWBC Youth room for delicious food, fellowship and encouragement. All men are welcome and feel free to invite your friends to come along. Let us know you are coming here.

This will be our last Sunday to collect food for our local food pantry at Interfaith Community Services (ICS). ICS is looking to restock its food banks this July with the fifth annual Peanut Butter Party food drive. ICS is asking the community to “spread the love” by contributing 10,000 jars of peanut butter to help replenish its food bank supply through the end of the year. In an average month ICS gives out about 2,000 jars of peanut butter. ICS can collect dried goods and canned items that are up to five months after the "best before" date, so take the time to review your pantry, add some peanut butter to your grocery list, and bring them to the patio this Sunday.

--Global Training Network
We are excited to add to our partnership an additional four pastors and their church communities! We are looking to form a team of people for each of the nine churches we support that would continue to encourage and connect with them. If you are interested in this opportunity, please let us know here.