March 13, 2020 Update
As followers of Jesus, we have the incredible knowledge that we don't have to be anxious about tomorrow, even in a world that becomes more and more stressed out every day. We want to exhort you to walk in faith and not fear as headlines rage, to be a non-anxious presence in your community, and to share the hope you have in Jesus with those who are scared.
The staff and elders of Northwest care about you and your health, and we want to do our part to slow the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in our community and "flatten the curve."
WHAT WE’RE DOING: We want you to know that we are taking extra precautions to deep clean and sanitize our facilities several times a week, and our Children's Ministry will increase their cleaning procedures in classrooms. We already clean well, but we're bumping it up across campus with products suggested by the CDC. Our Welcome Team won't be greeting you with a hug or handshake for a while and we'd also encourage you to avoid that during this season. The main entrance doors will be propped open for entry and exit to help you avoid touching door handles. Coffee service will not be provided for now and other elements may be suspended or modified. The Children’s Ministry is increasing cleaning protocols as well, and will be asking parents to wash their child(ren)’s hands before coming to class. We're in touch with the Arizona Department of Health Services for their advice and recommendations. Should the outbreak become more prominent in our area, we have plans to take additional steps all the way up to and including canceling services and events.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: Please stay home if you or your family are sick, especially if you have a fever or cough/difficulty breathing, even if that means we need to find a substitute for you if you're serving. If you have traveled to a high-alert area, please observe the recommended 14-day self-quarantine and refrain from attending church events, groups, and services during that time. Video and audio sermons will continue to be available at our website. Taking extra precautions right now is one way we can love our neighbor and care for our community. Let's continue to trust the Lord and his plan for His church. And wash our hands. A lot.