March 17, 2020 Update

Dear Northwest Bible Church family, 
In response to the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and the White House on the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the difficult decision to reschedule or cancel all church services, events, and groups for the next two weeks (through March 29). 
This decision is not being made in fear. Instead, this is our way to love our neighbors by protecting our neighbors. Taking drastic measures of social distancing now is a proven public health strategy to slow the growth of a pandemic. In partnership with our community leaders, we will do whatever we can to carefully and lovingly protect the most vulnerable in our communities. We believe that these uncertain times are a chance for the Church to share the hope we have in Christ in new and illuminating ways.
The Church is not a building. While we're not able to gather together as we normally do, we'll get to see that played out. Our Sunday worship service will be available online and we'll have more details on that very soon. Through this format, we hope to provide you with opportunities for reflection, Bible teaching, worship and giving. While we are not meeting in person, you can give online here.
We are still the church and we will seek to creatively and compassionately support and love our community well in the midst of this crisis. Connection Group leaders will be equipped to provide support, prayer, groceries, and other forms of help as needed. If you or somebody you know needs help, please reach out to your connection group leader or email us.
We do not yet know how this will play out in the coming weeks, but we will communicate through email, website, and our social media channels every few days and as soon as decisions are made.
Thank you for your flexibility as we walk through this uncharted territory together.

In Christ,
Pastor Jeff and NWBC Leadership

UpdatesAlyssa Ghubril