Sunday, March 22 Worship Service

Here’s everything you need to continue worshipping with your Northwest Bible Church family on Sunday, March 22, even as we all stay at home. We would encourage you to take some time now to think through what your Sunday morning will look like. We really hope that these resources can help our community to continue to worship together.


This week's sermon continues our study of Mark in Mark 15:1-47. View it below.



Spend some time listening and singing along to some of the songs we sing on Sunday mornings through this Sunday morning worship playlist. Pastor Bryan has also prepared a special playlist called "Worship Through My Worry" that is meant to help guide you to the heart of the Father as you seek Him for peace, strength and wisdom. These playlists do require downloading the Spotify app.


This Sunday would be a great time to take communion if you are able. Plan to prepare your own bread and juice. The discussion questions below will help you process the sermon and then lead you into taking communion.

Discussion Questions

Here are some questions for you to discuss with your family, friends and/or connection group after viewing the sermon. 

1) What were the questions that 'echo' through the Gospel of Mark that Pastor Joel referred to?  Which of these do you think reverberates most loudly for you right now?  Why is that?

2) Read Mark 15:1-3.  "Are you the King of the Jews?"  How did Jesus' being "King' threaten both the Jews as well as Pilate?  What was different about the kingdom that Jesus was bringing from what they knew and expected?

3) Read Mark 15:6-15.  How did Barabbas present a possible way out for both Pilate and Jesus?  Why didn't Jesus seize this opportunity?  Why did He remain silent instead?

4) Read Mark 15:16-21.  How is Simon of Cyrene's experience similar to ours if we are followers of Jesus?  Pastor Joel said that "our lives are to be walking advertisements of Good Fridays and Resurrection Sundays."  What do you think that means?  What has it looked like for you?

5) What are you finding it hard to let go of right now?  What are your arms so currently full of, that you're unable to pick up your cross and follow Jesus?  

6) Spend a few minutes confessing and repenting of those things, and let the good news of Christ's broken body for you, his spilled blood for you, his ultimate victory over sin and Satan and death wash over you again.  This would also be a great time to practice communion together with those you're worshipping with. The bread and the cup are to be a vivid reminder of not only what Jesus did for us, but of our great need of it every single day of our lives.  

Children's Ministry Resources

We will miss seeing the children at church on Sunday but know that God can do wonderful things through your time together at home! This Sunday, let your children see you worship and have them join in. Let them see you listening to the sermon on Sunday and talk about it with them. Church at home! Then through the week, every day you can look for God moments and make time to worship Him. To help you make the connection that "church" extends into the home, we are making our Children's Ministry music resources available to NWBC families so your children have some familiar songs to hear at home. Click here for playlists of songs we sing. Connect with us on our Children's Ministry Instagram and our Facebook Group for more resources, updates and video messages. Give a big hug to all your kiddos from their teachers and me. Jesus is with them (and you) always and everywhere - Ms. Tracie


You can worship with your finances by clicking here to give online or you can mail your gift to 889 W. Chapala Dr. Tucson, AZ 85704.

Stay in Touch

You can stay up to date with the church at and through our social media channels: 

/nwbibleaz on Facebook

/studentsnwbc on Facebook

NWBC Children's Ministry group on Facebook

@nwbibleaz on Instagram on Instagram

@studentsnwbc on Instagram