Sunday, May 3 Worship Service

Here’s everything you need to continue worshipping with your Northwest Bible Church family on Sunday, May 3, even as we all stay at home. Take some time now to think through what your Sunday morning will look like. and we hope that these resources can help our community to continue to worship together.

This Sunday, Pastor Jeff will continue our Family of God series, looking at Ephesians 2:14-18. The sermon will be available here on Sunday morning.

We know this can be a hard time to try to get plugged in to a church, but we’re here to help and we want you to get connected! If you’re new and you’d like to get plugged in, CLICK HERE or text NEW to 520-544-7775. If you have questions about our services, about God, about why we’re meeting online, or anything else, CLICK HERE to get in touch.

Check out Pastor Bryan's Spotify playlist of all the songs we sing on Sunday mornings by clicking here. This playlist does require downloading the Spotify app.
Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the sermon with your friends, family, or connection group.

  • What are some of the things that come to mind when you think about being adopted into the Family of God?

  • Read Ephesians 2:13-17. Why do we need peace with God? What’s in the way of peace with others? How do we arrive at peace with ourselves?

  • Read Ephesians 2:14-15. Why does Paul talk about Christ “abolishing” the Law here? What does he mean? How does the Law divide us? What is the remedy for this?

  • Why does Paul go to such great lengths to make sure we remember who we were? And where we came from? What is this supposed to produce in us? Why is it so hard?

Resources for your family that coordinate with our sermon series continue to be available at You'll find lessons, activities, videos, music, and a message from Tracie explaining how to use them all.

Our students have been having fun connecting online via Zoom. If you haven't heard about our student activities and would like to get a student connected, contact Pastor Joel.  

As Pastor Jeff mentioned in the Thursday update, Christy Creviston and Dream Big LIttle Co donated some washable, cloth masks to the church. We have a limited number of womens, mens, and childrens masks remaining. If you would like a mask, please click here.

Praise God for how He continues to provide for the kingdom work at NWBC! Below is our current financial status for our fiscal year ending in June. You can worship with your finances by clicking here to give online or you can mail your gift to 889 W. Chapala Dr. Tucson, AZ 85704. 

  • Year-to-Date budget need is $575,683.06

  • Year-to-Date actual giving is $597,633.00

  • Contributions are currently $21,949.94 above our current expectations.

If you want to connect with your NWBC family, be sure to log in to our secure online church directory. Click here to log in or request access. 
We would love to see how you’re doing church at home! Tag us in your photos and use #nwbibleathome

You can stay up to date with the church at and through our social media channels: 
/nwbibleaz on Facebook
/studentsnwbc on Facebook
NWBC Children's Ministry group on Facebook
@nwbibleaz on Instagram on Instagram
@studentsnwbc on Instagram