Sunday Services
join us online until further notice
All in-person meetings, including Bible studies, connection groups, and children’s and student ministries events are no longer happening in person until further notice.
Moving online:
Sunday worship services
Student Ministry events
Good News Club
Connection Groups
"Should Christians be Anxious about the Coronavirus?” from the Gospel Coalition
How to Love Under Quarantine from preemptive love
“Worship Through My Worry” playlist
NWBC Children’s Ministry resources
Pima County Health Department COVID-19 Updates
CDC Steps to Prevent Illness
Church Updates
New with us?
We know this can be a hard time to try to get plugged in to a church, but we’re here to help and we want to help you get connected!
If you’re new and you’d like to get plugged in, CLICK HERE or text NEW to 520-544-7775.
If you have questions about our services, about God, about why we’re meeting online, or anything else, CLICK HERE to get in touch.
Contribute to the Mission During COVID-19
You can request assistance or offer to help by clicking below. Click here for more ways you can serve your community right now.