NWBC Benchmarks for Reopening
We want to share with you four of the Biblical lenses through which we’re looking at reopening. These are truths that we must consider and hold in tension together as we seek to make plans, knowing that there just isn’t a perfect option.
It’s important for us to be together in worship (Heb. 10:25)
we should love our neighbors (Mark 12:31)
we should obey our governing authorities (Rom. 12:1-2)
we should maintain a good witness (Col. 4:5-6)
Through that lens of Scripture, we are looking at the public health data being shared by the Arizona Department of Health Services. We are thankful for the good work being done in our community, state, and around the country to provide guidance for these uncertain times. The AZDHS has recently released benchmarks to aid schools and businesses in understanding the data and making decisions. Though there is no set of guidance for churches, we will be using AZDHS’s benchmarks for Pima County to guide our plans.
These numbers are updated weekly at azdhs.gov/businessCOVID19. We will examine the last week of reported numbers.