Pioneer Bible Translators: Barb Temminck
Hello Northwest!
Appreciate so much your prayers and partnership in bringing JESUS to the Bibleless. I’m happy to report that despite COVID, Bible translation is NOT slowing down!!!! We have a fair amount of teammates still on the field and others returning. We do have a few countries that are still on lockdown because of COVID outbreaks, but work is continuing through ZOOM. Thankful!
I was in West Africa for 25 years involved in translation, administration and member care. Since my husband’s passing in 2019, I’ve taken on a new role. The Lord is using a lifetime of experience (teaching, sports coaching, and being a cross-cultural worker) to prepare me for my current role with PBT. I’m an area care coordinator for the Pacific/Pacific Southeast Expanded area of the world as well as the Care Team Training Coordinator for the organization. My job is to care well for our missionaries to keep them thriving in their ministries of bringing Jesus to the Bibleless.
Here are my current prayer requests:
Prayer Requests
Pray for safe travels through Arizona, California, Oregon, Kansas, Indiana and Texas.
Pray that all conversations with partners, warriors, friends and family would be Holy Spirit led.
Pray that the LORD would build His team to being 100% financially funded (today we are at 70%, 30% to go!).
Pray for a debriefing I will be doing for a couple who recently returned to the US. Pray that this debriefing would be Holy Spirit led.
Prayer for a country that is in turmoil and fighting. Pray for peace and restoration of democracy. Pray that our teams can return to this country in Southeast Asia Expanded (SAE).
Pray for a brand new field in SAE that has 2 couples ready to be launched, but because of the continued outbreak of COVID, they still can't go. Pray COVID would STOP!
Mountain Requests
May we and our partners see churches with Scripture transforming every language group on Earth by 2050.
May we translate full Bibles in the languages which have over 500,000 speakers by 2033.
May we see New Testaments for every language which has over 5,000 speakers by 2033.
“Enable your servants to speak your Word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus” (Acts 4:29-30).
Empower us to help more people decide to follow Jesus, get baptized, and gather into churches.
Barb Temminck