Power Over Predators August 2021 Update
Power Over Predators — Empowering Youth To Protect Their Future
Imagine a world where kids are free from online exploitation.
Millions of children and their futures are at risk from online predators (21.7 million child victims in 2020) with little to no help. This is a problem.
Our children should not be left to defend themselves.
Power Over Predators needs you to help solve this problem. Online exploitation is preventable. We help kids and parents recognize and avoid threats with our nationally endorsed prevention training.
To join the fight to safeguard our kids, simply:
1. Sign up for a free parent account here
2. Learn the signs of abuse and how to identify the threats your children face
3. Pass POP along to family, friends, and neighbors
Thank you, Northwest Bible Church, for your partnership in this mission. Your passion for protecting kids extends throughout our community. Power Over Predators has helped 78,000 students, parents, and educators recognize and protect our kids from threats. The last two years have greatly limited our student ministry. Your continued financial support and prayers for open doors to reach students are needed now more than ever. Sign up for your free account here.
Lisa & John