Wycliffe Bible Translators: Doug and Linda Towne
Doug is currently working as a translation consultant and as a mentor for younger consultants. He
reviews books of the Bible with mother tongue translators from a number of indigenous languages
primarily from Mexico. He works remotely, but also has face to face sessions with the teams in their
village locations.
Currently, he is in Paraguay working with 1 Corinthians in the Ñandeva language. The primary purpose
of this three week trip is to help train Latin consultants. There are three native speaking translators on
the team. Also there are two Latinos who he is mentoring to work as consultants: Mery (from Bolivia)
and Daniel (From Paraguay). They observe and have opportunities to participate in the consulting
process. The area where they are working in Paraguay is rustic (no water because of a two year drought,
really hot, and the power often goes out).
In Mexico, he works with two other consultants in training: Leo and José. Some of this work also is
virtual; some on location in the villages.
Linda remains in Tucson during this trip. She works with older members of Wycliffe who live there in
Member Care and also works as an editor for Wycliffe publications which are mostly academic papers,
some written in English by non native speakers.
They appreciate your prayers and other support. Pray specifically for the presentation of a book
containing the first five books of the New Testament which will be presented in different Ñandeva
communities this weekend. It is hot off the press!