April 2, 2021

We will have a time of reflection and communion tonight at 5:30 and 7pm. Childcare will be available for our nursery through preschool children. Children in kindergarten and older are welcome in the service with their family. Please make your reservation at northwestbible.com/easter or join us from any location via northwestbible.com/easter, Facebook or YouTube at 7pm.

We will have the joy of celebrating Easter on Sunday, April 4th at 10 am either outdoors on our campus or the location of your choice via a live stream on Facebook. We will have a place prepared for you and your family for all ages, nursery through preschool will be able to check-in starting at 9:30am into Children's Ministry and our kindergarten through middle school students will have the opportunity to worship with their family and then hear a special Easter message with Pastor Joel in the sanctuary. Check out all the details, make your reservation, and share this with friends, family, and neighbors at northwestbible.com/easter.

We will have the opportunity to celebrate baptism on Sunday, April 11th in our services. If you are interested in being baptized, please register here by Monday, April 5th. If you would be willing to help prepare the sanctuary for baptism click here to let our staff know that help is available.

If you'd like to find a place to connect with others and unpack the truths taught on Sunday at a deeper level, then a connection group would be a great place to start. Find a group that meets on a day of the week and location that works for you at northwestbible.com/connect. We have groups meeting both in person or via ZOOM. If you'd like assistance with finding a group that works best for you, please let us know here.

--Hebrews 11 Bible Study
You're invited to join us for a 6-week bible study in Hebrews 11, "A Great Cloud of Witnesses: A Study of Those Who Lived by Faith" on Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm or Thursday mornings at 9:00am beginning the week of April 6th. You may purchase the study guide from Amazon for approximately $10. There will be childcare available on Thursday mornings. Let us know you are planning to come at northwestbible.com/women.

--Hike at Catalina State Park
Mark your calendars for some fresh air and time together hiking the trails at Catalina State Park. Meet up in the parking lot at 8am on Saturday, April 10th, bring your water bottle and sun hat and we look forward to seeing you there!

--Jr./Sr. Prom Under The Stars
We are hosting a special evening for our juniors and seniors in high school on Saturday, May 8th. There will be dancing, wagon rides, a photo booth, and lots of incredible memories to be made. Learn more and have your students register at northwestbible.com/students.

Below is our current financial status at the end of March 2021. You can worship with your finances by clicking here to give online or you can mail your gift to 889 W. Chapala Dr. Tucson, AZ 85704.
Year-to-Date budget need is $519,726
Year-to-Date actual giving is $502,303
Contributions are currently $17,423 below our current budget

Do you love to worship with music? Do you have an ear for quality sound? We are asking that God would bring us some volunteers that could be a part of our tech crew on Sunday mornings. Specifically, we are in need of a technical director once per month that is able to arrive early, prepare the sanctuary for worship and guide the tech crew through the morning. The ability to troubleshoot with grace and a calm spirit are key. We are also in need of an additional sound technician to mix the tracks, instruments and vocals on a Sunday morning. Training is provided for each role. If you find yourself prompted to check out this opportunity, click here.