April 9, 2021
This Sunday we will have three ways to celebrate the Gospel and cheer on our brothers and sisters who will be baptized! First, you can choose to attend our 9am service and wear your mask as you are coming into and out of the building and during our time of worship, or you can attend our 10:30am service where masks will be suggested and finally, we will continue to offer our online service at 10:30am via northwestbible.com/live, Facebook or YouTube. For children's ministry, you will need to make a reservation for their class and send all children into their classrooms with masks at the 9am service. You can make your reservation each week at northwestbible.com/children. We are looking forward to celebrating with you this Sunday as we continue in our series, The Gospel of God, and study from Romans 13.
This week in Children's Ministry we will start our new curriculum from the Gospel Project! It will continue to take our kids book by book through the Bible. This week we begin with the life of Moses. Each week you can find a summary of the upcoming lesson at northwestbible.com/children to help prepare you to discuss with your kids what they have learned each Sunday.
Curious why celebrate, connect and contribute are important at NWBC? Do you call NWBC your church home? Now might be the time to check out our membership class to learn more. We will host this class on Sunday, April 25 at 8am and you can sign up to attend here.
It's the beginning of April and today we have another episode of The Monthly to share with you! The Monthly is a spiritual formation resource, shared on a monthly basis, created by our pastors and elders for our community. In this episode Pastor Jeff and elder Jeff Bonds discuss conspiracy theories and the Gospel. Check it out here.
If you'd like to find a place to connect with others and unpack the truths taught on Sunday at a deeper level, then a connection group would be a great place to start. Find a group that meets on a day of the week and location that works for you at northwestbible.com/connect. We have groups meeting both in person or via ZOOM. If you'd like assistance with finding a group that works best for you, please let us know here.
--Hebrews 11 Bible Study
Our bible studies kicked off this past week, but it's not too late to join in! You're invited to join us for a 6-week bible study in Hebrews 11, "A Great Cloud of Witnesses: A Study of Those Who Lived by Faith" on Tuesday evenings at 6pm or Thursday mornings at 9am. You may purchase the study guide from Amazon for approximately $10. There will be childcare available on Thursday mornings. Let us know you are would like to join in by contacting our Women's Ministry Director.
--Jr./Sr. Prom Under The Stars
We are hosting a special evening for our juniors and seniors in high school on Saturday, May 8th. There will be dancing, wagon rides, a photo booth, and lots of incredible memories to be made. Learn more and have your students register at northwestbible.com/students.
--Summer Camp 2021
Students entering into 6th grade through 12th grade will have the opportunity to travel to Payson, AZ on June 10-13 and enjoy the grounds and activities offered at Tonto Rim Christian Camp. If you have a student or know a student that you'd like to invite, have them check out northwestbible.com/students for all of the details and to register. The registration deadline is Sunday, May 9th.
Are you joining us from home in this season? Do you notice all of the comments that are shared in the chat by Northwest Bible Church? We are in need of a volunteer to interact and create that content each Sunday starting at 10:20am. If you would enjoy interacting with folks that are part of our online community, please let us know here.
We are still praying and asking that God would bring us some volunteers that could be a part of our tech crew on Sunday mornings. Specifically, we are in need of a technical director once per month that is able to arrive early, prepare the sanctuary for worship and guide the tech crew through the morning. The ability to troubleshoot with grace and a calm spirit are key. We are also in need of an additional sound technician to mix the tracks, instruments and vocals on a Sunday morning. Training is provided for each role. If you find yourself prompted to check out this opportunity, click here.