August 5, 2021
This Sunday we welcome our new Worship Pastor, Lucas Hattenberger, to Northwest Bible! Pastor Jeff will open the scriptures to 1 John 4:7-21 and we will continue to explore 'The Weight of Balance'. We continue to live stream our service at 10:30am at and would enjoy having you check in and share where you are watching from.
It's back! After a brief summer break, Pastor Jeff and elder Jeff Bonds share with us the story of the bible, meaning they will be addressing, as you read the bible, what is the one overarching theme? Check it out at or click the photo to listen now.
We will have the opportunity to celebrate baptism on Sunday, August 29th in our services. If you are interested in being baptized, please register here by Monday, August 23rd.
Our Connection Groups are beginning to launch and your pathway to finding a group begins with a Sunday brunch! Learn the why, the what and the how behind Connection Groups while meeting others and enjoying a delicious breakfast. Childcare is provided. Starting August 15, 22nd or 29th from 7:30am-8:50am. Click here to select your brunch date and we will look forward to seeing you then!
Parents of both middle school and high school students will be meeting this Sunday between services to learn from Pastor Joel what to expect for this next season of ministry. We hope to see you there!
--Fall Kick-off
be.lov.ed, our Women's Ministry, will kick-off on Friday, August 20th at 6:00pm with an evening of dinner, worship and special guest speaker, best selling author Cynthia Heald. This is going to be an amazing night together, so get registered here and invite your friends and neighbors to join you! If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Women's Ministry leader, Jenny Vincent.
--Bible Study
We will be studying from Cynthia Heald's book, "Becoming a Woman Whose God Is Enough" on Thursday mornings at 9am. Bible study books are approximately $10 and can be purchased on Amazon, or Walmart. We will begin meeting on August 26th and meet through December 2nd with weeks off for fall break, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving (10/14, 11/11, 11/25). Childcare is provided free of cost. Let us know that you are planning to join us here.
--Gourmet Burger Dinner
Check your calendars and make room for an evening of delicious burgers, great content and ministry updates for the fall on Thursday, August 19th starting at 6pm on our campus. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend, neighbor, or co-worker to a fun, relaxing, and informative event. Let us know that you can make it by registering here.
Northwest Bible has supported the missionary work of Barb Temminck for years and we asked her to write a brief note to you, so you could have a better understanding of the work she is accomplishing through your generosity and faithful giving. Please enjoy this update from Barb:
Hello Northwest!
Appreciate so much your prayers and partnership in bringing JESUS to the Bibleless. I’m happy to report that despite COVID, Bible translation is NOT slowing down!!!! We have a fair amount of teammates still on the field and others returning. We do have a few countries that are still on lockdown because of COVID outbreaks, but work is continuing through ZOOM. Thankful!
I was in West Africa for 25 years involved in translation, administration and member care. Since my husband’s passing in 2019, I’ve taken on a new role. The Lord is using a lifetime of experience (teaching, sports coaching, and being a cross-cultural worker) to prepare me for my current role with PBT. I’m an area care coordinator for the Pacific/Pacific Southeast Expanded area of the world as well as the Care Team Training Coordinator for the organization. My job is to care well for our missionaries to keep them thriving in their ministries of bringing Jesus to the Bibleless.
Here are my current prayer requests:
Prayer Requests
Pray for safe travels through Arizona, California, Oregon, Kansas, Indiana and Texas.
Pray that all conversations with partners, warriors, friends and family would be Holy Spirit led.
Pray that the LORD would build His team to being 100% financially funded (today we are at 70%, 30% to go!).
Pray for a debriefing I will be doing for a couple who recently returned to the US. Pray that this debriefing would be Holy Spirit led.
Prayer for a country that is in turmoil and fighting. Pray for peace and restoration of democracy. Pray that our teams can return to this country in Southeast Asia Expanded (SAE).
Pray for a brand new field in SAE that has 2 couples ready to be launched, but because of the continued outbreak of COVID, they still can't go. Pray COVID would STOP!
Mountain Requests
May we and our partners see churches with Scripture transforming every language group on Earth by 2050.
May we translate full Bibles in the languages which have over 500,000 speakers by 2033.
May we see New Testaments for every language which has over 5,000 speakers by 2033.
“Enable your servants to speak your Word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus” (Acts 4:29-30).
Empower us to help more people decide to follow Jesus, get baptized, and gather into churches.
Barb Temminck serving with
--Children's Ministry Director
We are actively searching for a full-time Children's Director who would be responsible to oversee ministry and mission to children, parents, and families at Northwest Bible. In this season as we continue to seek God's plan for us and our next Children's Director, please be praying for God's wisdom and direction. Also, pray for and thank all of the volunteers that have stepped up and shared their time, talents and gifts by leading our children to know Jesus! For more information about this position, please visit
--Financial Administrator
We are actively searching for a full-time Financial Administrator who would be responsible to manage contributions, accounts payable, financial accounting and additional administrative tasks. If you would like more information or are interested in applying for the position, please contact us at
--Worship Team
Our new worship pastor, Lucas Hattenberger, will be joining us this Sunday and if you have experience with an instrument, he would appreciate talking with you further. You can contact him for further details at