February 17, 2022
Over the last two weeks we have seen Jesus outline the shape, the surety, and the scope of the Gospel as we've studied Matthew chapter 5. We will finish out this chapter on Sunday and you can prepare your hearts for what is to come be reading the text here: chapter 5:33-48. Thank you to all of those that continue to connect with us as part of our online community. We will see you online at northwestbible.com/live, Facebook or YouTube at 10:45am.
We are looking forward to journeying to the cross together and preparing our hearts and minds for Good Friday and Easter with a worship focused Lent Service on Wednesday, March 2nd at 5:30pm. This will be a night to reflect on our brokenness, our need of repentance, and the forgiveness that is given at the cross, through songs and scripture. There will be children's classes from birth through 5th grade and you may register for these classes here. All of our students are invited to join us, as there will be no youth group that evening. Learn more about this season of lent by listening in on this conversation in episode #7 of our "In the Narthex" podcast. Click here to listen now or find the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Learning to Love the Master focuses your eyes on the specifics of God's involvement in your life and the lives of others; taking you through a process of writing the story of God's presence in your life. This retreat is hosted by Journey Companion Ministries and will be held on March 18-20 at the Holy Trinity Monastery in St. David, Arizona. For more information or to get registered for this amazing weekend, click here.
Calling all 6th-8th graders and their friends! Come out on Saturday evening from 6-8:30pm for ice cream sundaes and games of capture the flag. Meet us at the NWBC campus and then walk over to Cross Middle School for our games. There is a cost of $3 for this event.
After second service this Sunday, 9th-12th graders can join us in the youth room for a pizza lunch and then an afternoon of rolling around and having fun! We will rent skates and enjoy the afternoon at Skate Country. There is a cost of $12 for this event.
Praise the Lord for the growth of the churches we support in Africa! Below are examples of feedback that we have received from them. Praise God for working in these churches even in difficult times.
--Global Training Network Pastor Jude of Global Harvest Church
Hello from here in UGANDA!
Thank you for being so obedient to the call of God in the ministry you are doing in the kingdom of God. We have a prayer request for our new church at Nsozibiri village, the christians are spiritually immature and still few in number, but a man came and asked if they can buy his small land for the church. When he was asked about the price, he said 1.2 million shillings. The land is near to the trading center of the community and the place is so good for the church. My spiritual son Ivan and I are crying out for help so we need to pray for God to intervene.
As a church, we made some bricks for the church construction, but we don't have money to begin the work. Please pray for our church construction, our church is near to the mosque which is well furnished and it is like our God is weak to build us a place of worship.
Pray for the prosperity of our kindergarten (GLOBAL HARVEST JUNIOR SCHOOL) which is a church project. We help the needy children and offer them education, but it sometimes becomes too much for us, yet it brings the image of Jesus to the community. As for me, pray for me, I need the grace of God to sustain me in the pastoral office I am building with my wife. I need his mercy every day.
God bless you so much!!!
--Global Training Network Pastor Aggrey of Hope Restoration Center
Dear Northwest Bible Church, we the Hope Restoration Center Church family here in Uganda do express our gratitude to you for this partnership with all the support that comes with it. We are indeed very grateful for all that the Lord has done through you to us!
Our prayer need currently is the need for more land for expansion. We currently own only the piece on which the church building is. We have no compound and no official entrance. We have talked to our immediate neighbors and are willing to sell to enable expansion. Our numbers have also extensively grown as the Lord has won many to himself and so all these need us to create more room for corporate worship inside the building. We are also believing the Lord's provision for more seats. As many people have converted and others joined us from different towns, please pray God's wisdom and guidance on how disciple them.
Please pray with us on the above.
Aggrey Mugweri.
--Global Training Network Pastor Martin of Hope Community Church
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, with much pleasure the members of the above congregation here in Uganda sends their gratitude to the beloved partners at Northwest Bible Church, for the love, care, support, and endless prayers offered to us always.
We know that last year the pandemic brought about the churches to be discontinued from fellowshipping for several months, but glory be to God that all that was working together for the good of the kingdom of God. Because even during the lock down of churches we were able to go on with witnessing the goodness of Jesus and even this time more people were coming to know the Lord. Because by the help of the Lord, even if the lockdown was on, we pastors and the leadership team did not give up on visiting people’s homes with the purpose of encouraging the believers and also sharing the love of God with those who did not know Christ. In fact we saw God bring many souls to himself and for that reason we give all the glory back to God.
In the first week of December we baptized 40 people, praise the Lord! We have also continued to train our leadership team in so many areas in their personal walk with Christ, but mostly on how to study the word of God for ones spiritual growth. In the last week of this January we are preparing to baptize 30 more new people.
Thank God for continuing to help us work together us a team. Thank God for touching the heart of the people in our village, more so women who are responding to the gospels. We pray that they stand firm in the Lord. We praise God for the youth’s team, God has help them to begin going out reaching their friends for Jesus. Now we have a good number of youths in the church. We also thank God for helping us to maintain our home fellowships which is helping us to reach many families of the neighbors of our church members who are not believers with the gospel, in that way we hope many people come to know the Lord. We were able to get 20 chairs using the money we got from our garden, praise God.
Please join us as we pray for the following:
Gods provision so that we may expand our church building.
We pray that God will provide us with about 200 more chairs.
We are in a dusty church building the raising of the money for the floor is ongoing, we pray that God will touch the members to work together.
We believe God for two bulls for helping us to preparing our gardens in time to enhance early planting. Because our church can only raise money through farming.
We are also planning in future to acquire our own land for farming, but for now we are hiring.
Thank you all for standing with in both finance and prayer support for goodness of the kingdom of God. I remain yours in the service. We wish you all the best in the Lord.
Martin Owor.