February 3, 2022
We hope you've enjoyed this study of the Gospel of Matthew that we have begun titled 'The Kingdom'. We will continue this Sunday in Matthew 5:17-32. We continue to share our service via livestream at 10:45am at northwestbible.com/live.
We will have the opportunity to celebrate baptism on Sunday, February 13th in our services. If you are interested in being baptized or would like to know more about baptism at Northwest Bible, please let us know here by Monday, February 7th.
We will prepare our hearts for Easter with a Lent Service on Wednesday, March 2nd at 5:30pm. This will be a night to reflect on our brokenness, our need of repentance, and the forgiveness that is given at the cross, through songs and scripture. There will be children's classes from birth through 5th grade and you may register for these classes here. All of our students are invited to join us, as there will be no youth group that evening. If you have questions or are curious about a Lent Service, be sure to subscribe to our podcast, "In the Narthex" on Apple Podcasts or Spotify as we will have a new episode coming soon talking all about the importance of Lent.
IF:Table is based on Acts 2:46. Our hope is that you spend time getting to know God better and getting to know those around you with a simple invitation for a meal around the table. We really are better together! So we will gather together on Friday, February 11th at 6pm on our campus for a meal. Limited childcare is available on a first come first serve basis. Get registered today here.
Learning to Love the Master focuses your eyes on the specifics of God's involvement in your life and the lives of others; taking you through a process of writing the story of God's presence in your life. This retreat is hosted by Journey Companion Ministries and will be held on March 18-20 at the Holy Trinity Monastery in St. David, Arizona. For more information or to get registered for this amazing weekend, click here.
Pastor Jeff sat down to check-in with our pastors in Africa. Please take a few minutes to get acquainted with each of their stories and prayer requests for their church communities. It is an honor and privilege to partner with these churches and to play a role in supporting them in their mission to celebrate the Gospel and bring glory to God!
--Rod and Marcia Olson - Operation Christmas Child
We are delighted to share that the shoeboxes collected at Northwest Bible were delivered to the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Samaritan's Purse announced that the Global Shoebox Collection total for 2021 was 10,505,155. Each child who receives a box will receive the Gospel in their own language and have an opportunity to accept Christ and have an offer to attend a 12 week discipleship course. Our church's 193 boxes are part of that total. Many of you built shoeboxes online and to find out where they went you may follow these simple instructions: go to www.samaritanspurse.org and find the heading "what we do" and choose Operation Christmas Child. When the window pops up, choose "Follow Your Box Lookup Tool".
If you have a heart for sharing the Gospel to children all over the world with Operation Christmas Child, NWBC is in need of an Operation Christmas Child Church Project Leader. This is a volunteer position and the commitment of time is greatest during November. Please contact Marcia Olson for more information and to discuss this opportunity.