Sunday, May 17 Worship Service
This Sunday, May 17, we will gather as an online community to worship together and share the love of Jesus. Here's everything you need to be part of Northwest Bible Church online.
This Sunday, Pastor Jeff begins a new teaching series called Prelude to the Kingdom, starting in Ruth 1:1-5. The sermon will be available on Sunday morning.
We know this can be a hard time to try to get plugged in to a church, but we’re here to help and we want you to get connected! If you’re new and you’d like to get plugged in, CLICK HERE or text NEW to 520-544-7775. If you have questions about our services, about God, about why we’re meeting online, or anything else, CLICK HERE to get in touch.
Check out Pastor Bryan's Spotify playlist of all the songs we sing on Sunday mornings by clicking here. This playlist does require downloading the Spotify app.
Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the sermon with your friends, family, or connection group.
1) What is a prelude? How do books like Ruth and 1 Samuel serve as a prelude in the larger Biblical narrative?
2) this is the 'Word' of God
this is a 'love' story
this is a 'portrait' of manhood and womanhood
this is a 'directive' for racial and ethnic diversity
this is a 'revelation' of God for the darkest of times
this is a 'case study' for authentic Christianity
this is a 'signal flare' that ultimately points to Jesus
Which of these stood out to you? Why did they stand out to you? Which of them do you think we need most right now?
3) Read Ruth 1:1-5. In 5 short verses the writer of Ruth paints a very bleak and difficult scene. What are some of the things that stand out to you here? Why is it so hard for us to relate with God during times like these?
4) Read Ruth 4:18-22. Why does Ruth end by tracing Boaz and Ruth's line all the way to David? Why is that important? What does Jesus say about David? (look at Matthew 22:41-46)
5) Read Colossians 1:15-20. What does it mean to say "God's goal for the universe is Jesus"? What does that mean for you?
We pray that the young hearts in your household are growing closer to God everyday and that you have enjoyed developing a routine of worship at home. As we begin to look toward opening for corporate worship again, please know that we will be doing our best to make decisions that will care for the children of NWBC. Please pray for wisdom for leaders and our Children's Ministry Team as we follow God's lead in the weeks to come. Children's Resources may be found online at
In his Thursday video, Pastor Jeff talked about a children’s adaptation of Paul Bunyan’s classic “Pilgrim’s Progress”. Revelation Media is offering a free online screening of the movie tomorrow (Saturday) night at 8:45pm. You can sign up to view it by clicking here. Parents should be aware that there are a few intense scenes.
VBS will look different this year but it will still serve the same purpose: to bring the church and community together as children learn about Jesus! Stay tuned as we will share more details soon.
Student Ministries have been connecting on Zoom and are carefully planning some safe, social-distancing events in the coming weeks. If you haven't heard about our student activities and would like to get a student connected, contact Pastor Joel.
Praise God for how He continues to provide for the kingdom work at NWBC! You can worship with your finances by clicking here to give online or you can mail your gift to 889 W. Chapala Dr. Tucson, AZ 85704.
If you want to connect with your NWBC family, be sure to log in to our secure online church directory. Click here to log in or request access.
We would love to see how you’re doing church at home! Tag us in your photos and use #nwbibleathome
You can stay up to date with the church at and through our social media channels:
/nwbibleaz on Facebook
/studentsnwbc on Facebook
NWBC Children's Ministry group on Facebook
@nwbibleaz on Instagram on Instagram
@studentsnwbc on Instagram