NWBC Reopening Plan

Brothers, Sisters, Northwest Family,

After almost 2 months of being apart from one another, which has included a stay at home order and lots of social distancing, we now look to the reality of “reopening”.  This is of course uncharted territory for all of us, and while we don’t entertain any fantasies about doing everything perfectly, the leadership of Northwest felt it important to at least establish a target for us to start aiming at.  While the spectrum of our own convictions and sensitivities may be great, our mission to glorify and exalt Jesus Christ is far greater, therefore we will be stepping into this season together in grace, humility, and with nuance.  Below is a high level summary of this process, one that we are excited to walk out together as a church family.  

Grace and Peace to you all,
Pastor Jeff

These reopening plans were amended on Thursday, July 2.

The phases outlined below have projected start dates that will be closely monitored based upon the following criteria being met:

  • Stable or declining numbers of cases in the city or county

  • No outbreaks in the community with activity similar to the church gathering

  • Success at the previous phase

Phase One: Connection Groups and smaller social gatherings

Vision: Reintroducing people into smaller in-person gatherings and community in a way that is responsible and gives leaders the ability to move at their own pace

Projected Start Date: May 24

Phase Two: Live, outdoor in-person worship services

Vision: An opportunity for the church to start coming out of this season together that offers a  variety of different approaches to social distancing

Projected Start Date: May 31

  • Sunday worship service at 6pm

  • Outside using the patio, grass, and parking lot at Northwest Bible Church

  • Broadcast via FM radio in your car

  • Designated spaces on the grass and patio are available by RSVP; parking spots with a view also available by RSVP

  • Physical distancing guidelines will be maintained in all approaches

  • Families are encouraged to attend, no children’s programming will be provided

  • Men’s Ministry Training Tables launch

  • Connection groups continue

  • Student ministry continues meeting in small group gatherings

  • Church online continues

  • Church office open

Phase Three: worship services via Livestream on sunday mornings

Vision: responding to our current reality and seeking to worship all together at one time even while we must still be apart

Projected start date: July 5

Phase FOUR: Live, indoor in-person worship services with limited capacity

Vision: Moving forward in a calculated, safe way that both loves our neighbor and follows state and county guidelines

Projected start date: ?

Phase FIVE: Live, indoor in-person worship services at full capacity

Vision: Continuing to move forward with corporate worship services and reestablishing other church ministries, in accordance with state and county guidelines 

Projected Start Date: ?

  • Multiple indoor services without RSVP

  • Children’s ministry available

  • Middle School Sunday School resumes

  • Men’s and Women’s Ministries launch

  • Connection groups continue

  • Livestream continues

UpdatesAlyssa Ghubril