Sunday, May 24 Worship Service

This Sunday, May 24, we will gather as an online community to worship together and share the love of Jesus. Here's everything you need to be part of Northwest Bible Church online.
This Sunday, Steve Nicholas will continue our teaching series, Prelude to the Kingdom, in Ruth 1:6-21. The sermon will be available on Sunday morning.

Check out Pastor Bryan's Spotify playlist of all the songs we sing on Sunday mornings by clicking here. This playlist does require downloading the Spotify app.
Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the sermon with your friends, family, or connection group.

  1. What does your narrative say about what you believe about God? About what you trust Him for?

  2. Whose name is written on the title page of your life? Would you be okay if it was God’s name? How about someone else’s name?

  3. What faces can you identify as being part of your story or you a part of theirs?


Did you see Pastor Jeff's Thursday update outlining our plans to begin reopening in-person services next Sunday, May 31? An email will be coming your way on Monday with all the details you'll need to plan for that outdoor service. You can read the Reopening Plan on our website by clicking here. An email will also be sent to families next week with more details for kids at our outdoor services. If you haven't been receiving emails from Tracie, click here to let her know.

Children's resources for Sunday Worship may be found at Connect with us via Facebook and Instagram! Praying the Holy Spirit fills the hearts of your family as you worship at home together.

Student Ministries have been connecting on Zoom and are carefully planning some safe, social-distancing events in the coming weeks. If you haven't heard about our student activities and would like to get a student connected, contact Pastor Joel.  

Praise God for how He continues to provide for the kingdom work at NWBC! You can worship with your finances by clicking here to give online or you can mail your gift to 889 W. Chapala Dr. Tucson, AZ 85704. 

If you want to connect with your NWBC family, be sure to log in to our secure online church directory. Click here to log in or request access. 

We would love to see how you’re doing church at home! Tag us in your photos and use #nwbibleathome

You can stay up to date with the church at and through our social media channels: 
/nwbibleaz on Facebook
/studentsnwbc on Facebook
NWBC Children's Ministry group on Facebook
@nwbibleaz on Instagram on Instagram
@studentsnwbc on Instagram